Mastering Pickleball Techniques: Basics, Serving Strategies & Expert Tips
Pickleball is just like a racket or paddle sport in which two players or four players hit a perforated, light weight and hollow plastic ball with paddles over a net. Pickleball is played both indoors and outdoors. Word on the street is that pickle ball is much fun and people are getting addicted so fast. The pickleball techniques are the most important and also the key factors of your game. The pickleball techniques help in different ways while playing like properly controlling the ball, managing consistency and also making strategies. So if you have a great knowledge about pickleball techniques then in result it can increase and better your overall performance on the court.
The pickleball techniques are different for the players according to their skills level and abilities. So, there are different techniques here.

The techniques for beginners are basic and very important like serve, backhand and forehand also. All these are the basic strokes that completely make your game much easy to play and interesting. The serve is that shot where the point is started. It is not a ground stroke and volley stroke. It’s only the serve. And there are a number of different ways that you can serve perfectly. The clear and accurate serve lands directly in the service box. The crucial techniques for great serve are high serve, low serve and also underhand serve.
The forehand groundstrokes are mainly used because this shot provides you great force and accuracy. This shot must occur very much close to the baseline.
The backhand groundstrokes are very wonderful and surprisingly the much more used groundstrokes. This stroke is the best choice for many players and also the players mostly prefer this shot. When the ball is going towards your arm then it is the best time to use this great shot.
The best techniques for intermediate players are volleys, dink and also the court positioning.
The volley always occurs when the ball is hitting before touching the ground. In this situation the placement of shots does not matter at all. If your ball has not bounced then you are in a good position. The volley shots are basically much more powerful. A great and best type of volley is the overhead smash. And always remember that you cannot volley in the kitchen.
The dink is also the type of groundstroke that is used only near the net on the court. The main thing about the dink is that this shot is perfectly done in the kitchen. This shot is very soft and smooth. There are a number of different types of dink shots and you can use all these during playing pickleball matches with passion. The purpose of dink shot is to make your opponent player totally mess up. You can perform the dink stroke when and however you want and need.
But always remember that this shot is very focused, mindful and controlled. It also requires a great amount of touch and precision during play. If you practice this shot very well then you permanently play well. You always have a great position on the court to cover all the shots that are coming from your opponent.
The techniques for advanced pickleball players are to manage and master your serve, perfectly doing your third shot drop, manage spin, mastering the lob, properly improving footwork and your position etc.
What are the basic pickleball techniques for playing pickleball?
Pickleball is an American sport that is played very amazingly. The players use short handled bats or racquets to perfectly hit the hollow, perforated and also the plastic ball. Pickleball is played both outdoors and indoors. Word on the street is that pickleball is much fun and people are getting addicted. Here are some basic techniques for improving your pickleball game.
- Serve deep and to backhands
- Return deep and target weaker third shots
- Move and bend your knees
- Dink cross court and aim for the middle
- Keep your paddle up
- Watch and hit the ball in front
Serve deep and to backhands
The serve is that shot where the point is started. So the serve is the basic and the first shot. The underhand serve is very important in pickleball. And the serve is the best shot in pickleball because you completely control it. This is a high accuracy shot that is perfectly performed with great patience. It is not very important that the serve must land in the service box. So you can make it very difficult to serve in return for your opponent.
So when playing the serve some tips are always kept in mind. Always keep an eye on your opponent’s weak side that is commonly called the backhand side also. Mainly the players of pickleball have powerful forehand shots then the backhand shots. After this perfectly hit your serve just into the service box then it makes a difficult return for your opponent.
Return deep and target weaker third shots
The second is the return of serve. This return serve is deep in the opposite player’s side. And this happens when you are just playing with that team that totally likes to execute the third shot. You must make a much more difficult drive for your opponents if you want to keep the ball deep in the court of pickleball. So in result you and your co-player take more time to react to the drive shot.
The return of the serve also targets those opposite players that have very weak third shots. You can easily hit the return of serve everywhere to your opponent on the court. So always perfectly hit the return serve in the court. And also target those players of the opposite team that have weak third shots.
Move and bend your knees
This is another pickleball technique and it is very simple to sound only. Because during play moving the feet and also bending the knees are very much difficult. You know that your feet play a pivotal role while executing the shot. So always prepare yourself perfectly before hit the pickleball. When you bend your knees while playing then you perfectly hit all the low balls and also your legs muscles are working powerfully during play. So if you properly move your feet and bend your knees perfectly then you can get wonderful results while executing the shot.
If you keep your pickleball shot low then it directly makes your opponent confused for all the aggressive shots. And also if you have great and powerful dink skills then you should easily keep the pickleball low.
Dink cross court and aim for the middle
To hit more crosscourt dinks your dink also becomes more and more strong. The reason is that the crosscourt dinks decrease the chance of errors. We know that the crosscourt dinks are always moving over the lower part of the net on the court. So you hit this shot into a natural angle and also more court space to just dink into.
The crosscourt dink is perfectly performed and has very less chance to skip. You are wonderful to know that seventy to eighty percent of your dink shots are mostly cross court. So when your opposite player sends you a much aggressive dink then it is very difficult for you to execute a crosscourt dink shot. This aggressive shot also loses your balance and control. And this time you suddenly perform a normal dink shot.
Keep your paddle up
When you are ready to play pickleball then keep your paddle up in front of you. First position your shoulders and feet and then bend your knees and perfectly compress your whole body according to your weight and also the position of the ball. After forward you paddle and always keep the head of the paddle up. If you play closer to the pickleball net then your game is so fast and the paddle up position also fastens your game.
Watch and hit the ball in front
Watching and hitting the ball is also a very easy technique of pickleball. Many players pay no attention to this tip. But everyone knows that there are different distractions on the pickleball court. So it is very crucial to completely pay attention to your shot and perform the best shot. So always watch the pickleball hit your paddle in the best way. And this time when you hit a shot you can ignore your opponent, your opponent’s paddle, your co-player and also your next shot.
In simple words, you completely focus on the shot that you just played. And also hit the pickleball just in front of you. When you hit the pickleball in front of you then first you move your feet and set yourself properly because when you hit the pickleball with great technique then less errors occur. And not much more than swinging the ball and mostly staying at the non-volley zone line because most of the shots occur there and you can win many points. And always keep watching that the pickleball hit the paddle.
keep the ball low
The amazing and difficult technique of pickleball is to keep the ball low on the pickleball court. The low pickleball is very unique and useful because it stops your opponents from going with aggressive shots. If you execute a low return of serve then directly your opposite players hit a drop shot rather than drive. When you play a low shot on the non-volley zone then the result is a dink shot.
In short, it is your goal to keep pickleball low while playing on the court. And the angle of the paddle and pace have different heights. The angle of the paddle is straight and open to the sky then it increases the height of pickleball. And the angle that is equal to the net and just near the sky then it decreases the height of pickleball.
The pace of the shots also keeps the pickleball low.
- When you perfectly hit up the ball with the open angle paddle then it slows the pace of the ball very well and also down. As you know, the slower pace directly keeps your pickleball low on the court.
- When you perfectly hit down the ball with a closed angle paddle then it speeds up the ball very well.
In pickleball, it’s important to play to your strengths and take advantage of your opponents weaknesses. Stay patient keep the ball low, and communicate well with your partner. By working together and making smart decisions, you can control the game and increase your chances of winning. Let’s take a closer look at each of them:
- Play to your strength and opponents weaknesses: The much more important tip is to play with your strengths and opponent weaknesses. When your opposite players have straight games and simple dinks then you play great drives with power and also speed up the pickleball aggressively. And when your opposite players have weaker overhead and also have low power then you perform a great lob against them. You can perfectly know your power or strength on the court. So use your power when your opposite players have great forehand drives but weak backhand drives. And also deeply notice your opposite player’s weaknesses and spoil them perfectly.
- Stay patient and keep the ball low: This pickleball tip is very much important. Because patience is very necessary for this game. Many players have very little patience. When the player first hits the pickleball aggressively or speedily then he must lose the point. On the other hand, the opponent’s counter attack is much better than the starting speed up. So, it is very crucial to keep yourself calm and have patience also. So build your points with patience. And also only hit the pickleballs that are just above from the net.
- Communicate and let out balls: The other great tip of winning pickleball is to communicate with your partner perfectly in the whole game. Talking with your partner is really important. You both make decisions together and cheer each other on. You should also notice when to let balls go, especially when opponents hit them hard. Pay attention to how high the ball goes and watch your opponent’s moves closely. Remember, letting out balls can score you easy points.
What are pickleball tips for serving?
Some of the basic rules of serve are given below.
- The server must hit the ball in the way that their contact with the ball is made below the waist level and the tip of the paddle head is below the wrist, also the arms moving in an upward arc.
- The server always has one foot on the court surface just behind the baseline.
- The serve just strikes the net and also lands with the service court and this is also called a ‘let’.
- And another serve is justified with no limitations to the number of times this can happen. When your serve hits your opponent before bouncing then this is the point of your team.
There are two types of legal pickleball serves.

The pickleball serving tips are given below.
- You must find a routine for pre-serve that is works for you and you also feel easy and comfortable.
- The pickleball serving technique must be totally perfect. And always stay loose, move just from your shoulders and also always finish your swing through the pickleball.
- Always use a semi closed stance that is partially closed and open to the crosscourt service box. And also not doing over rotating when take your backswing and also make great contact with the pickleball.
- Perfectly produce great power on your pickleball serve. And always use your legs and core while hit the pickleball.
- Always give yourself a consistent pickleball toss or drop. The pickleball drop serve and toss serve are very important.
- Always serve deep to your opponents backhand so its directly push your opponent back.
- Perfectly mix up your serves
Some additional serving tips are shown in the figure below.

What are the best pickleball tips for beginners?
The best tips and techniques for beginners are given below.

- First understand the basics of pickleball game and their equipment and also the rules, scoring system, and court dimensions.
- Always choose the best and top-quality equipment. The beginners must choose the paddle that givers more power and support. Also choose the best shoes because the high quality material give you comfort and success during play.
- The beginners master the serve shot because it is the key to success in pickleball. So start with an underhand serve and then mastering all the types.
- The beginners briefly learn about the smart positioning on the court and also seek complete knowledge of court awareness.
- The third shot drop and the dink shot both are the most important techniques of pickleball. So every player have great command on both these shots.
- The beginners also have a knowledge of pickleballs. And know that when the ball is low and high and when the ball hit the paddle perfectly.
- The beginners must use continental grip on your paddle. So continental is very much effective for overhead shots. This grip technique reduces strain on your arm and is easy to play.
What are pickleball tips for intermediate players?
The best tips and techniques for intermediate players are given below.

- First you completely warm up your body before starting the game. It is very important for both of your physical and mental health.
- The intermediate player always stay in the ready position when enter the court of pickleball. It simply means that always stay ready, keep your paddle up, your knees bent and also completely focus on your opponent.
- As we know that the forehand shots are very easy as compare to the backhand shots for some pickleball players. So the intermediate player has proper command on the backhand shots then its help you to perfectly return shot any where on the court.
- Always pay much more attention on your shot before hitting because it is very important for you to know that how and where I hit the shot. So, take your time and completely notice your opponent position, weaknesses and then hit the shot accurately.
- You can must hit the deep serves because it keeps your opponent’s away from net.
- You should also return deep serve because it makes difficult for opponent team to reach non-volley zone.
- You must aim at your opposite player’s feet because it makes your opponent confuse and also force to back up. Thats why, the opponent not return your shot or skip.
- When the intermediate players are playing doubles then always recognize the weaker player and start to execute different shots toward them. So it makes difficult for your opponent team.
- You always direct your return serve down the middle of the court and also hit tjis shot to the opposite player weaker side not stronger one.
- Always communicate with your partner or co-player. Because both of you easily detect the out ball and also all the shots. So always work like a team and share everything about game.
- When the intermediate players are playing doubles then always serve first to the stronger server because it directly increases your chance of scoring points on the pickleball court.
- The intermediate players have must great command on Dink shots. So when start the dink shot stand just near the non-volley zone as possible for you. After this you perfectly execute the dink shot.
What pickleball tips are best for advanced players?
The best tips and techniques for advanced players are given below.

If you are a previous tennis player then properly adjusting to the bounce serve can be difficult. Thats why, the technique to keep the ball in deep condition before its approach to the kitchen is just similar on the pickleball court. This is a very crucial technique. So when you hit a deep serve then it makes it much more challenging for your opposite players to just get to the kitchen after returning. It helps you to make your third shot much more easy when the opponent sends back the ball short.
The first two shots of any point in pickleball always need to bounce. Thats why this is very crucial to assure that you are just staying back with your own game partner after you serve. But on the other hand, when you come back then you just want to try to get to the kitchen very fastly to join your partner quickly who is already in the kitchen.
The versatility in your game and also maintaining a ready position will completely allow you to hit different shots. And it totally depends on how your opposite player returns the ball. You just keep your pickleball paddle up and also ready. So you are always ready with your paddle up in between every shot. That’s why I suggest being fully ready for the very quick shot as compared to the slow shot. This is also very crucial to keep your knees bent and the feet moving so you are properly ready to rush to get the ball.
If you want to optimize your shot than you must get behind the ball and also keep contact point just in front of your whole body. Always completely make sure that your contact point is just in front of your body. Because it mainly affects the standard of the shot you hit perfectly.
It is very important for pickleball that you must keep in mind all the rules of the kitchen. So always make sure that you can perfectly hit the balls without letting them bounce. For that time your feet are just behind the kitchen line.
It is very alluring to try to put a ball away by the use of a smash or big follow-through on a volley. It is very simple to fall into the trap of completely trusting that if you have a long swing it generates great power on your volleys. The trick which actually generates power is your great ability to hit the sweet spot of your paddle. It is very much easy to do if all your swings are best and also short.
It is very important to purchase pickleball equipments and these things are very necessary for pickleball game. And also the pickleball shoes are best for great performance and safety. Some of the pickleball players wear running shoes when it comes to having the right gear. So the most common and ordinary mistake is that the player’s wearing running shoes on the court. This is incorrect because the running shoes are not manufactured for lateral movements. So always wear pickleball court shoes than you can properly focus on your game.
The grip has much significance in pickleball because it can totally change the base of the shot you just want to hit. If you are trying to hit soft in pickleball then you must have a loose grip.
What are the strategies for singles and doubles in pickleball?
In single pickleball only two players are playing the game. The strategies for single pickleball is given below.
- Always serve deep in the pickleball court because it is a great strategy for both single and double pickleball.
- Always serve near the baseline of the pickleball court. The great benefit of this tip is that you will be close to the mid of the court, when you prepare yourself for opponent’s return.
- The big and deep return of serve is also much important in single pickleball. When you deeply return serve in your opposite player side then it will give your opponent very tough time.
- When you hit faulted and bad return of serve on the court then you completely know what to do. At this time you have two options. First you stay back at the central line and safely back yourself. Secondly you move and then stop just steps behind the non-volley zone so you can properly prepare for your opposite player’s third shot.
- The momentum is very necessary and important as compared to the open court space on pickleball court. Because it is much difficult to stop the momentum and also alter the direction.
- Always pay great attention to the flight path of your shot. If you follow and track your shot then it will gives you great benefits while playing pickleball.
- Every player know that the number of points are won at the kitchen or non-volley zone. So it is very important for the player to move in the non-volley zone. This is especially for single pickleball because when you enter the kitchen line or non-volley zone then you easily cut off your opposite player angles.
- You must put great pressure on your opponent player. So properly force your opponent to hit bad shot and make a mistake if you want to become the winner.
- In single pickleball the only one player covers the entire pickleball court. So the single pickleball is much more challenging for the player’s whole body. That’s why players must work on cardio by physical exercises, jogging, yoga etc. that perfectly increase your heart rate and keep you fit for the game.
In double pickleball four players are playing the game. The strategies for double pickleball is given below.
- The best strategy for double pickleball to move into the kitchen or non-volley zone line just after return the serve perfectly.
- The double pickleball players have great command on the drop shots because it has many advantages.
- You just pinned your opposite player to the base line because when you do this then your co-player are start to attack the kitchen line and you can get many advantages.
- You must aim at your opposite player’s feet in double pickleball because it make your opponent confuse and also force to back up. Thats why, the opponent not return your shot or skip.
- When you start serve then always hit the ball deep in the court.
- When you return the serve you must stand away from the center or base line.
- Always hit the return serve deep in the opposite player’s court perfectly.
- Both of you and your partner completely know about your weaknesses and strengths. And also position yourself perfectly on the court while playing.
- The one of the most crucial pickleball strategy to get to the kitchen or non-volley zone line.
- The third shot is the most important techniques of pickleball. So every player have great command on this shot.
- You must aim at your opponent’s feet sand their weaker side also when they are not at the kitchen or non-volley zone. So attack at perfect time to get points.
- You also put spin to your ball to confuse your opponent. The spin properly effect the ball and produce bounce in it.
- In double pickleball, poaching is much aggressive strategy. It simply means to take your partner shot perfectly.
- The double pickleball players have must great command on Dink shots. So when start the dink shot stand just near the non-volley zone as possible for you. After this you perfectly execute the dink shot. And all the pickleball shots are very important.
- The great pickleball double strategy is to keep the ball low. Your opponent not response aggressively to this shot.
How to get better at pickleball?
You can improve and better all aspects of your pickleball game by some informative tips.
- Always keep the paddle up while receiving the serve or other shot.
- Play your every short perfectly.
- You will not afraid of playing at the net.
- When you perform serve just stay back with your partner instead of rushing towards net.
- When you play volley, you must focus on the short swing.
Where to find pickleball lessons?
You can find pickleball lessons by online tutorials that are given by authentic pickleball coaches. But the much more great and best way to learn the pickleball game is to sign up for lessons and also go to your near pickleball court to seek knowledge about pickleball. You can also find lessons on pickle heads.
What is the best way to practice pickleball?
The best way to practice pickleball is to practice alone. You can play pickleball alone by using different exercises and drills. when you practice alone you first focus on your serve. So stand at one side of the pickleball court and then perfectly hit the ball to the opposite side. You can also challenge yourself by different shots.
You can also work on your dinks. The dinking techniques are very important and all the advanced players use this so practice this dink shot without a partner. So just stand at the net and perfectly hit the ball. And then suddenly run to the other side to hit back the ball. This drill always help you to perform greatly and perfectly and also properly control on the court. It makes you more familiar with the non-volley zone.
You can also practice pickleball at home. You can practice without a pickleball. You just swing your pickleball paddle without hitting the ball. You can just imagine the ball and swing the paddle in different ways. The tennis players use this technique for years. You can also doing exercises to playing well. You can also build your own court on your home’s backyard and open space.
And if you don’t have a space for building court then you can use hitting wall. It is one if the best way to practice pickleball at home. You place a tape on the wall at thirty four inches and then use this as a target area as well. You can practice all the shots on the wall such as serves, volleys, drives, dinks etc. This is the cheap and easy way to practice pickleball.
You can also use different training apps and also use online resources for training.
What is the baseline strategy in pickleball?
If you want to score more points in pickleball then you can play those shots that are executed by using the baseline. There are three shots that are easily played from the baseline.
- The drop
- The drive
- The lob
These three shots are the baseline strategy. So perform them well at the baseline on the pickleball court and get much more points.
What are 3 skills needed to play pickleball?
There are three basic and essential skills to play pickleball.
- Hand and eye coordination
- Agility
- Footwork
If you follow these skills you can completely successful in pickleball. The players take their game and performance on next level by properly focus on these skills and practice them perfectly.
In this wonderful and informative blog, we describe all about pickleball techniques and types. All the basic techniques for playing pickleball are fully explained. The serving tips also increases your knowledge. The pickleball techniques and playing tips should properly help you to enhance your basic knowledge about pickleball game. You must enjoy reading this blog because the fact is that if you never know the pickleball game, their techniques, tips, shots and rules then you just read this blog and make sure you play the game properly.
How do you increase your stamina for pickleball?
You can increase your stamina by walking, running, thirty to sixty minutes of hiking, swimming and also riding a bike two times in a week.
What is the golden rule pickleball?
The golden rule pickleball is to “fully engage your body”.
What is stacking in pickleball?
This is the doubles pickleball strategy where both the pickleball players on a team perfectly line up or stack on the same side of the pickleball court just before a serve or return.
Can you play singles in pickleball?
Pickleball is playing both as singles and doubles. We know that doubles pickleball is most common and their rules are simple.
How do you hit the pickleball softly?
A best,nice and soft grip will perfectly and properly soften the bounce of your ball off, at your padde face.
Is pickleball a hard sport?
The pickleball game is invented for families including children. That’s why it is not a hard or difficult game.
Where is pickleball more popular?
The pickleball is most popular in Florida. The sunny state of Florida has the perfect pickleball destination for years.
Can you play pickleball from the baseline?
You can play pickleball from the baseline. So you are hitting two types of shots. And the ground stroke hit off the bounce from the baseline.