How many calories does pickleball burn?

How many calories does pickleball burn

It’s a question that often crosses the minds of those who are looking for a fun and engaging way to stay active. How many calories does pickleball burn, If you are a bulky and obese person your fats burn more quickly to meet the energy needed by the body to play games while if you are skinny you don’t lose many calories as compared to the fat person. 

The third factor which has been mentioned above, has a great role in burning calories, it is the duration of the game. If it takes longer and takes more time it means losing more weight. If the match is long and intense it helps to lose more weight while if the match is short we lose fewer calories.

For investigating your weight you must learn about MET value. MET stands for the metabolic equivalent of a task. This term lets us know how many calories we burn while performing some common exercises and physical activities. We can calculate the value through this formula. METs x 3.5 x (your body weight in kilograms) / 200 = calories burned per minute. If we talk about Tennis game the total estimated MET value is 8. And for badminton, it is 5.5 to 7. But if we talk about Pickleball the value of MET is 2 to 8. But the average weight loss counts 4 MET. 

How many calories does pickleball burn

Let me state the answer to the question by USAP. According to USAP, a good size / fat person can burn 600 calories after 1-hour pickleball game. As you know the data was authenticated with “Apple watch”. Have a look at the community feedback!

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According to the study of Lauren Chervinski during the one-hour game, she tracked burning calories of 322 calories per hour, or 5.4 calories per minute

How many calories does pickleball burn
How many calories does pickleball burn

According to the  University of Rochester Medical Center, a person who weight 150lb can lose the following points weight:

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Calories Burned while playing Pickleball Single

How many calories does pickleball burn? the below mentioned table is the calories counting best guide which help you give accurate answer. The more you play the game the more your calories burned. The less you play the game the less will be the burnout calories rate. Have a look in details:

How many calories does pickleball burn
How many calories does pickleball burn

Calories Burned while playing Pickleball Double

I give you a general idea of how many calories a person can burn by this table, do check the table and comment me how many calories do you burn playing pickleball doubles:

Match TypeBody WeightHow many calories does pickleball burn
Intense match 160 – pound personBurns 700 calories in an hour 
Intense match 200 – pound person Burns 900 calories in an hour 
Relaxed match160-pound person Burns 500 calories in an hour 
Relaxed match200-pound personBurns 700 calories in an hour
Complete guide on Double game

To configure our data on “How many calories does pickleball burn” we take feedback and get closely related results, have a look at them:

How many calories does pickleball burn

Some more feedbacks on “How many calories does pickleball burn” are:

How many calories does pickleball burn

Hope i did provide an accurate answer to the question for more in-depth research for knowing your burnout while playing the game, you can use the calculator :

How many calories does pickleball burn

Tips to burn calories by pickleball

As for known “How many calories does pickleball burn”, now it’s time to work on some tips. Have a look at these tips, hope you find them effective and you can lose weight.

Tip 1: Play for at least 45 minutes

Time duration is the main thing that helps in reducing weight during pickleball matches. As we know a Pickleball one round lasts up to 45 to 60 minutes or may be slightly shorter or longer. We can burn more calories if the match is longer and more intense because that is the time when we lose weight more efficiently. And if the match completes early and takes less time we do not burn more calories but we do to some extent.

A typical match of pickleball is about 2 or 3 matches where you have to complete the 11 points. If you want to burn additional calories while playing the game then I’m giving you tips to burn more calories while playing the match.

Tip 2: Get a Standing desk 

If you want to burn more calories while playing the match then get a standing desk instead of sitting. So standing at a desk helps you burn more calories. An estimated 54 more calories can be burned in an hour on a standing desk. Not only do we burn calories but also get other health benefits on a standing desk as well. It reduces heart attacks and helps you to become more active by reducing your weight. It doesn’t let you become obese.

Tip 3: Park your vehicle far from the court

Parking away is so helpful. When you park the car far away from the ground you have to walk to the ground. and by walking you burn extra calories. So it is important if you want to burn calories, Park away from the destination and walk towards the ground. Walking helps you reduce your weight. 

Pickleball Vs Tennis 

Now that you know “How many calories does pickleball burn” its time t o tell you an interetesing fact. Pickleball burns fewer calories as compared to tennis because in tennis the ball moves at high speed and players have to play accordingly. They run faster and further as compared to pickleball. 

How many calories does pickleball burn

An interesting point is that you can use the same ground for both sports. You can convert tennis court to pickleball, its in your mood and what you want to play to lose weight.


Pickleball can burn calories depending on different factors including the intensity of the match, Body weight ( obese and skinny people), and the duration of the match. In conclusion the simple answer of the blog post main topic “How many calories does pickleball burn” is 322 calories per hour, or 5.4 calories per minute of one hour pickleball game. Pickleball helps in other things as well like it reduces the risk of hypertension and strokes. It is a fun game which not only we play and enjoy but it reduces our weight as well. 


How many calories does pickleball burn?

322 calories per hour, or 5.4 calories per minute of one hour pickleball game.

Does pickleball burn calories? 

Yes, it helps burn calories. 

What are the factors that help in burning calories during pickleball? 

Body weight, intensity of the match, and time duration are the factors that contribute to burn calories.

What is the average calorie burn of pickleball? 

The average calorie burn in a pickleball is 700 calories of a 160-pound man.

What are the additional health benefits of Pickleball? 

It helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension

What is the MET value of pickleball? 

The MET value of pickleball ranges from 2 to 8 and the average value is 4.

Which burns more calories, tennis or pickleball? 

Tennis burns more calories than pickleball. 

How does match intensity affect calorie burn? 

A critical and intense match burns more calories than an easy match. 

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